We Are Here

As a collective of creatives, the Collective was tasked to create a photography series that invites audiences to see from the intersections of being Black, Iranian and African. The result is a photo-series directed by priscillia kounkou-hoveyda, shot on a medium format camera, creating stories that are Jamaican, Congolese, African American, Nigerian and always Black and Iranian. 


Creative Direction: Priscillia Kounkou Hoveyda

Photography: Henna Koskinen 

Alex D. Eskandarkhah, Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh, Maya Mansour June, Nader and Marya Shahyegh, Parisa Nkoy, and Priscillia Kounkou-Hoveyda

Behind-the-scenes film/edit: Chyna Dumas